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RAND: The Air Force Pilot Shortage - A Crisis for Operational Units? 2000
RAND: Modeling the Departure of Military Pilots from the Services, National Defense Research Institute, Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2004
GAO Report to Congressional Requesters: "AVIATION WORKFORCE Current and Future Availability of Airline Pilots," February 2014
RAND: Air Transport Pilot Supply and Demand Current State and Effects of Recent Legislation, Michael McGee, 2015
The career cost - does it pay for a military pilot to leave the service for the airlines? Jeffrey A. Hodges, Monterey, California, Naval Postgraduate School, 15Jun2015
AeroProfessional: Grounded before take-off - How to combat the pilot shortage 2015
Japan lifts pilot age limit to 67 amid Asian shortage, The Japan Times, 23APR2015
Reducing Air Force Fighter Pilot Shortages, RAND Corporation, 2015
Boeing Forecasts Nearly 1.5 Million Pilots and Technicians Needed by 2035 - July 25, 2016
Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook 2016
Pilot Shortage Back With a Vengeance, Air Force Magazine, August 2016
FAA Aerospace Forecast: FY 2016-2036
Finnair suspends Miami route on aircraft, crew shortage, Air Transport World, 22MAR2017
Regional airline CEO says pilot shortage getting serious, By Aaron Karp, Air Transport World,  24MAR2017
Air Force meeting with airlines on pilot shortage in May - FederalNewsRadio, By Scott Maucione, March 27, 2017
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 This site promotes communications by and for Federal Express pilots that support and improve working conditions, safety, health, security, wages, hours, and all other terms and conditions of employment. Further, all articles and publications found on are distributed under educational fair use doctrine as noncommercial study or investigation directed toward making a contribution to a field of knowledge. In this case, endeavors to educate pilots about the cargo aviation sector and promote knowledge through the First Amendment, Freedom of Information Act, Railway Labor Act, and AIR21 Whistleblower laws. The views, opinions and content expressed on do not necessarily reflect those of the FedEx Corporation, Mark Estabrook or other organizations, contributors and authors.


"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

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