Respite for the Politically Incorrect Who Challenge Authority, Tyranny and Enemies of Our Republic

A candid and retrospective interview with Fred Smith in which he reveals intimate details about his insight, experience and challenges when building Federal Express. (Date unknown)
Memphis, Tennessee -- January 14, 2014 (Part 1 of 3)
Professor Brian Havel, director of DePaul's International Aviation Law Institute, interviews Frederick W. Smith, the founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx.
Memphis, Tennessee -- January 14, 2014 (Part 2 of 3)
Professor Brian Havel, director of DePaul's International Aviation Law Institute, interviews Frederick W. Smith, the founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx.
Memphis, Tennessee -- January 14, 2014 (Part 3 of 3)
Professor Brian Havel, director of DePaul's International Aviation Law Institute, interviews Frederick W. Smith, the founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx.
Appearing on FOX Business Network's (FBN) "Mornings with Maria" on January 24, 2017, Smith said Trump's decision "to pull out of TPP is unfortunate, because the real beneficiary of that is China. And China has been very mercantilist, very protectionist. They've engaged in industrial policy to the disadvantage of American and European countries."