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Respite for the Politically Incorrect Who Challenge Authority, Tyranny and Enemies of Our Republic

If you would like to get in touch with me, send me an email message in the form below. I must warn you, however, that I am slow at returning emails. It is a genetic defect in my DNA. Sorry, but I will eventually respond.
Do you have boxes of files in your attic that relate to aviation safety or security? Is the information you are sitting on giving you knots in the pit of your stomach? Or worse, are you losing sleep at night just thinking about it? Does management and the union ignore your concerns? Have you been threatened with discipline if you report violations of FAA regs?
Drop me an email and let me know what you have. Thanks!

If you are seeking aviation legal advice I am not an attorney, but I refer you to author and attorney Alan Armstrong. Alan began a relationship with me 28 years ago when he authored a column in The StickShaker about aviation law and FAA certificate actions. If you are ever accused of an FAA violation, I strongly encourage you to speak with Alan before you make any oral or written statements to ANYONE. That warning applies to ASAP reports as well. Make sure you have an independent aviation attorney advise you before you submit ANYTHING to the company.
Alan Armstrong
Attorney At Law
2900 Chamblee Tucker Road Building 5, Suite 350
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
(770) 451-0313
If, on the other hand, you are involved in a labor dispute with your employer, there is no one more qualified than Lee Seham. I have known him and worked with him for almost three decades. My father was represented by Lee's father Marty at American Airlines back in the sixties when the Allied Pilots Association was just a fledgling organization. He has one of the most brilliant legal minds in the country. He currently represents me in my AIR-21 Whistleblower lawsuit against FedEx.
Lee Seham
Attorney at Law
199 Main Street
7th Floor
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 997-1346
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