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Estabrook v. Federal Express Corp. discovery via email attachment from FedEx Counsel David Knox to Complainant's Counsel Stanley Silverstone 18FEB2015; Attachment 1 of 2 FedEx Revised Privilege Log PDF 6p. 17FEB2015
FedEx Counsel David Knox email to Complainant's Counsel Silverstone re: Estabrook v. Federal Express Corp. discovery 18FEB2015; Attachment 2 of 2 FedEx Fisher 05AUG2013 email directing NOQ UFN for Estabrook PDF 2p.
Department of Homeland Security Freedom of Information Act Response Part 2 to Mark Estabrook's Counsel Lee Seham PDF 97p. 22APR2015
  • See DHS page numbers 00111-00112 for terrorist package tracking (pinging) activity and IP sourcing
  • See DHS page numbers 00125-00126 and 00183; confirming the bombs were timed for inflight detonation
  • See DHS page numbers 00153 and 00198 reporting possible prior FedEx package shipments from Yemen on 25, 26 September 2010, almost a month prior to the October 29, 2010 printer bomb shipments
  • See DHS page numbers 00175 and 00198 for report of a preceding failed bomb attempt via FedEx on 27 September 2010, almost a month prior to the October 29, 2010 printer bomb shipments
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 This site promotes communications by and for Federal Express pilots that support and improve working conditions, safety, health, security, wages, hours, and all other terms and conditions of employment. Further, all articles and publications found on are distributed under educational fair use doctrine as noncommercial study or investigation directed toward making a contribution to a field of knowledge. In this case, endeavors to educate pilots about the cargo aviation sector and promote knowledge through the First Amendment, Freedom of Information Act, Railway Labor Act, and AIR21 Whistleblower laws. The views, opinions and content expressed on do not necessarily reflect those of the FedEx Corporation, Mark Estabrook or other organizations, contributors and authors.


"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

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